Welcome to Yellow Wood Llamas!

Michelle M Bell
We have been raising llamas in south central Indiana over 25 years. We have enjoyed working with our llamas for the show ring, and for public relations with children. We also use their fiber to make yarn and woven products.
We enjoy our virtual visitors from all over the world, and enjoy introducing new folks to the wonderful world of llamas.
Please enjoy our site. Be sure to check out our llamacam to keep an eye on our herd.
It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day; with a high in the 50s. The temperatures have been in the teens for the past two weeks which is good because the cold temperatures should have killed off the bugs that did so much damage to the Poplar trees last year. Even so, it will be nice to have some warmer weather.
Most of the snow has melted off the ground. It is nice to see the grass again. Just 5 miles North of us the snow has been gone for several days, but it has been hanging on at Yellow Wood. Being back in the woods has a lot of charm, but also some disadvantages–not as much sunlight. Of course that provides slightly cooler temperatures during the summer so I’m not going to complain.
That day started off a little wintery. We had about an inch of snow early this morning. Perhaps some of you saw the new snow on the llamacam. Fortunately this snow should be short lived, because we have a forecast for 50+ degree weather this weekend. Some warm weather will be a welcome change from the 15-20 degree pattern we have been in for the past week.
🙂 The HugheNet upgrade happened today. It only took the installer about an hour to change out the old modem and dish. So far the Gen4 system is a big improvement over our older HughesNet connection. I haven’t measured the download speeds yet, but it does feel much zippier than before. My fingers are crossed that it will continue to perform well.
After a couple of weeks work, I have finally gotten the Yellow Wood Llamas website up and running on a new server. The DNS was transferred yesterday and should be fully propagated by Friday.
I also installed a new camera for the main Llamacam. It should be more reliable and provide better images than the prior camera.
The llamas seemed to enjoy watching me work in 15 degree weather hooking up the new camera :-).