A Visit from Home

Lewis had his radiographs, which showed improvement though not complete bone closure yet. When we visited Saturday night we were able to meet one of the students who is taking care of Lewis, and also met another of the students who visited us at the llama show we attended near Columbus. It is obvious what wonderful individuals these are who are helping Lewis cope with his difficulties and day to day trials!Lewis seemed very well to us, much more like himself than on our previous visit. He is adapting quite well to his circumstances, and proving what a fighter he is. We are pleased that he seems comfortable and has an appetite, and is not losing his appetite for live despite his long confinement and daily injections and wound care. The infection is still ongoing and may not clear up until all the external pins are removed. In the meantime we feel Lewis is enjoying a quality of life that is remarkable given the circumstances; our thanks again to the staff at OSU for going the extra mile to make this little llama happy and comfortable!

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