Llamacam “One” replacement operational

latest17.jpgWell I finally managed to install the replacement for our original llamacam “one” which failed a couple of weeks back. I had been testing the new camera and software for a few days and expected the installation to be easy. Of course I guessed wrong. I carefully mounted the new camera to the ceiling of barn porch which we call the “beach” because the llamas are always lounging there soaking up the mid-day sunshine. I carefully routed the wires and connected the power. The camera powered up and the network link light lit up as I plugged in the network cable. Success, I thought as I headed into the house expecting to see a sharp image of the “beach”.

I fired up my MacBook, typed the camera IP address into my web browser and hit return. No response! After an hour of trouble shooting I finally discovered a bad network connection on the back of the camera. I did a little cleaning and adjustment of the cable and the camera sprang to life. I was pleased to see the image was much sharper than the original camera.

I hope all of the frequent visitors to llamacam enjoy the new camera. Be sure and let us know what you think.


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