Llama Loafing Shed After Snow
Just when Spring was hinting it was nearly here, Old Man Winter reminded us that it will be a few more weeks before we can expect the snow and cold weather to be over for the season. The weather station on the farm was showing 25 F a few minutes ago, and as you can see there is snow on the pasture.
This has been a very unusual winter for us. Winter roared in like a lion days for before Christmas by dumping nearly 18 inches of snow in two days. Within a week it had warmed up enough to melt most of the snow and we moved into nearly two months of alternating warm and cool spells punctuated with lots of rain.
The mud has been unbelievable. At times the mud has been so bad it could suck the boots off your feet. The llamas are very disgusted by the whole thing! Convincing them to walk from the barn to the feeding shed draws looks of “you want me to walk through this?” from the moms and crias alike.